Go, and Make Disciples, be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea (Forest Hills) and Samaria, (Pittsburgh ) and to the ends of the earth." (world-wide mission)- Acts 1:8
Forest Hills builds disciples through...

The Church.
- Worship
- Praise
- Celebration
- Remembering of Heritage
- Community Outreach
- The Worship of God
- Prayer
The Community.
- May Market
- The Home Bound
- Park and Ride
- Al-Anon
- AA
- Boy Scouts
- Forest Hills Nursery School
- Farmer's Market
- Joyful Twirlers
- Youth Ministries
The "burgh".
- "100 Brown Bags" to the homeless
- Crop Walk
- Bethlehem Haven
- The Pittsburgh Project
- Mars Home for Youth
- Sojourner House
- Crestfield
- "Off the Floor"
The World.