... and on this rock I will build my church - Matthew 16:18

What We Believe
We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord of all, that God is love, that the Bible is God’s message to us about Himself and ourselves.
We believe that as a fellowship of believers, we come together to glorify and praise God, Christ and the Holy Spirit in worship, studying God’s truth in the Bible and service.
We believe that we are a community of faith to help raise children, that family is important and that God calls us to love.
We believe in the Trinity.
About Scripture
2nd Timothy 3:16 tells us that all scripture is breathed out by God. God’s Word is the foundation of our ministry. We believe it to be true and inspired by God. Everything we do in worship, teaching, and service stems from obedience to God’s Word!
About Salvation
We all have fallen short. There isn’t one of us that is perfect. We need forgiveness and a fresh start. Jesus came and has given us that start. Nothing you have done is greater than God’s love and forgiveness!